Optidge Helps Prepare 16,875 Meals for Senior Citizens at the Houston Food Bank
The Optidge team woke up bright & early to work side-by-side in the fight against hunger at The Houston Food Bank’s Portwall Warehouse. We assisted with building boxes and packing various foods into 30lb boxes for senior citizens in the community. We were amazed by the scale of the Portwall Warehouse and its magnitude in programs and services they provide for our community! The camaraderie was contagious and by the end of our time at The Houston Food Bank we felt like an extended family working together in unison in feeding Houston’s hungry. At our time at The Houston Food Bank’s Portwall Warehouse we completed 15 palettes to go out to 675 senior citizens in our community which is equivalent to 16,875 meals. The Houston Food Bank distributes 122 million nutritious meals in southeast Texas and feeds 800,000 individuals every year. We are so grateful for the opportunity to volunteer and join our Houston community in the fight against hunger. Click here to learn more about The Houston Food Bank.