Businesses, Avoid Fake Local Reviews! You’d Be Surprised What’s Considered Fake….
Google Warns SEO & Businesses to Avoid Fake Reviews – Search Engine Watch #SEW.
Once I saw this I had to share… many of us know that part of the Google Local Search Algorithm are getting reviews on your Google+ Local Page. Looks like Google, in their latest Algorithm update, is cracking down on fake reviews and those who are trying to game the system. The most interesting point I read was:
On a related note, Google advises against companies asking customers to write a review on a computer or tablet located on the business’s premises. Google said businesses should send reminder emails to customers encouraging them to review the business on their own time – just don’t go so far as to give free gifts or discounts in exchange for encouraging them to leave positive reviews, Google warned.
I wonder how some business models like,, will deal with this warning. One of its main products is a review app that is supposed to be given to a doctor’s patients on a tablet before they leave….
It will be interesting to see…