
Google’s Plan to Penalize Over Optimization of Web Pages

Just read two great blog posts that discuss how and why a web page would be considered “over optimized” by Google and therefor possibly be penalized by Google in their...

The REAL Definition of a Bounce and the Problem with Google Analytics

Just read an awesome blog post explaining the REAL meaning behind the Bounce Rate measurement in Google Analytics. Bounce Rate has always been one of those mysterious metrics that no...

Content Marketing: One Words to Replace 20 Phrases

Just stumbled upon a great tweet/blog: 20 phrases you can replace with one word | Articles — Tammy Portnoy (@tammyportnoy) April 10, 2012 that talks about circumlocution – using many words...


In case you’ve been hit and even if you haven’t – this is an EXCELLENT review on what you should and should NOT do when link building. As we know...

44 Ways To Truly Build Up a Social Media Campaign

Just stumbled upon this GREAT blog post chronicling the 44 things that Lionsgate did in the Social Media Sphere to promote The Hunger Games and entertain and engage its fans. This definitely gives you...

78 Tools For Every Internet Marketer

78 Resources For Every Internet Marketers Toolkit – Search Engine Watch #SEW Awesome List Divided Into 9 Sections. SEO tools Link building tools Coding tools Conversion tools Convenience tools Social...

Should I Use Google’s AdWords Keyword Tool for SEO Based Keyword Research???

Should I I often get this question… well my buddy Rand at SEOmoz just shared a wonderful blog post that proves that Google’s Keyword Tool is not at all what...

Paid Search Marketing Influences In Store Purchasing

Trying to sell PPC to your client, boss, or team? Ever wondered if paying for that click was really worth it. I just found this post that introduces a study...

I’m Seeing Ads Based on the Websites That I Visit

Recently I was looking for where Google explicitly states that they will serve ads to you based on the websites you visit (even if those sites don’t have remarketing/retargeting code.)...

Consolidation vs. Multi-Page Targeting of Keywords for On Page Optimization (SEO)

Should you build a separate page for each keyword or combine targeting on a single page? I always have this issue! 2 related keywords, do I target one page for...